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A message from our team

The safety of our students, campers, team members, and their families is of utmost importance. We are working diligently with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as our state and local health authorities to create the safest environment for anyone who enters our schools. We follow the guidelines put in place for social distancing, school capacities, contact tracing, and additional sanitization and protective measures to continue to make the safety of our community the top priority.


We understand that as the state opens up many parents are returning to work and need care, and/or families are looking for healthy exercise activities. We also understand many parents are not ready for their kids to return to activities. We are offering both in-studio and virtual programming, and we hope we can help your family no matter which way you fall. 


We've highlighted some of the changes that we're implementing to create a safe environment and a positive experience for those in our studios below.

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Member Safety
(Updated 5/28/21)

Member Health Assessments

Prior to entering our schools, members will be asked to self-assess their health and the health of their children. If anyone is not feeling well, has a fever, shortness of breath or any COVID-19 like symptoms, or has recently been exposed to anyone with COVID-19, we ask that they cancel their appointment. Makeups, credits, and/or refunds will be provided as needed to ensure members who are not feeling well can stay home and rest up.

Personal Protective
Equipment for Members

Face masks that cover the mouth and nose are strongly encouraged in all of our schools and buses and will be required for entry. Please note, children will not be required to wear their face coverings while performing intense exercise or when doing any outdoor activities. We do ask that they wear them upon entering and exiting the school, as well as during non-exercise activities, as required by state and local authorities.

Drop Off/Pick Up and Member Distancing

Families accompanying students/campers are allowed to inside our facilities as of 5/28/2021. For the safety of our younger students (ages 12 and under), we do ask all guests in our facilities to wear masks, whether or not they are fully vaccinated. As of 5/28/2021, our facilities will be permitted to operate without capacity limitations, but we will still do our best to limit prolonged close proximities amongst our students/members and monitor class attendance sizes.

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Sharing of Equipment

Equipment in our facilities will be regularly sanitized throughout the day. Students/members will be allowed to share equipment and cubby spaces.

Other Protective Coverings

Students can choose to wear non-slip socks where shoes are not allowed.

Option to Receive Services Virtually

For those who feel more comfortable being at home and as well as for those who do not feel well: we have highly interactive virtual programs that many students have been enjoying at home.

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Team Safety

Team Health Assessments

Following state and local direction, team members will be evaluated prior to each shift, and anyone who is not feeling well, has a fever, shortness of breath, or any COVID-19 like symptoms, or has recently been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 will not be permitted to work in the studio.

Personal Protective
Equipment for our Team

Team Members, whether fully vaccinated or not, will wear face masks that cover their mouth and nose inside our studios and buses. Team Members, just as students/campers, are allowed to take masks off with any outdoor activity.

Team Distancing

Team Members will continue to practice proper distancing when working with children. Proper physical contact will now be permitted (handshakes, high-fives, elbows, etc.)

Shared Equipment

Equipment will continue to be regularly sanitized. Sharing of equipment will be permitted.

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Facility Safety

Social Distancing

With the updated mandate from the Virginia Department of Health and the CDC, we will be operating without social distancing as long as masks are on inside of our facilities. Whenever we are outdoors, we will encourage students/campers to maintain a safe distance from their peers.

Increased Facility Cleaning & Sanitation Stations

We have always taken great pride in the cleanliness of our schools. You will notice increased attention to disinfecting efforts, with additional attention to high traffic areas and commonly touched facility elements. Schools will also continue to provide hand soaps and hand sanitizer, with increased availability in key areas of the facility. In addition to regular cleanings by our staff throughout the day, our studios will be professionally cleaned every day using hospital-grade cleaning disinfectants.

Limits Commonly Shared Amenities

We ask that all members bring their own water bottles as we close off the water fountains for the time being. We will limit sharing of items, and we will disinfect any items that are shared.

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Activity Safety

Getting Outdoors

As much as we can, we will try to run as many games, craft times, and martial arts classes outside. Our team has identified areas around our studios where we can do this, as to be in a well-ventilated area for children to play and learn.

Physical Contact

Our games and activities will allow appropriate physical contact amongst students/campers. Team members will be beginning to conduct proper, encouraging physical contact with students/campers (i.e. handshakes, high-fives, fist bumps, etc.)

Dedicated Groups

Each camp week, campers will be assigned to a dedicated group that will not change or intermingle with other groups. Maximum group size is determined by how many can safely be in a room while allowing for 10 feet social distancing, per local authorities' guidelines.

Indoor Capacity

Classes and camps will be operating with our buildings' safety capacities.

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At Home Safety: Virtual Programs

For those students who prefer to stay at home, we have rolled out a virtual martial arts program with high engagement, accountability, and fun. Our virtual offerings are live and interactive, so our students are spending time with their favorite instructors and teachers! We've had a great response from students and their families.

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About Our Disinfectants

Things to Know about the COVID-19 Pandemic

General COVID-19 Personal Hygiene Guidelines from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Guidance for Operating Youth and Summer Camps During COVID-19

Virginia Guidelines for All Business Sectors

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